If you have your tank on focus (/focus) and you are targeting the boss, the following macro will have the same effect as the first with @mouseover. Lightning_Bolt 11 years ago #2. The above will completely ignore what you have targeted. /use [@mouseover, exists] spell; spell the 2nd spell. One Button Rescue macro. I recommend using both Macros, because sometimes someone other than. 2011-06-08, 02:24 AM #2. Purge focus or your target macro. /cast [target=focus] Kick. Select your macro's icon from the list at the top of the macro window, and then click in the text area below. Your target won't change. I want it to use blind on my mouseover if i have a mouseover. Targets your Focus, uses Rescue at the cursor location, then swaps back to the previous target. If none of the other conditions apply, it's casted on your target. 763. Post by Wanderingfox #showtooltip /cast Hex Is what you're looking for. You can also add the line below before the last line if you'd like for polymorph to. So, a simple mouseover help/harm macro looks like this: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead]Flame Shock; [mouseover,help, nodead]Healing Wave. I use mouseover macros for all my healing spells and I love them. The macro you posted is basically the same as the second one I posted except mine would switch back to your "kill" target automatically. Hope that helps - a quick google search of ‘mouseover macro wow’ or something will set you on the path! Yours wont do anything if the mouse has no valid target. /cast Misdirection;To open the in-game Macro interface, type "/macro" or "/m". Right, but the point was to have the "leave flight form" and the "interact with mouseover" (the ore deposit) in one button. View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message View Started ThreadsSelect your macro's icon from the list at the top of the macro window, and then click in the text area below. The best way would be to add. If that's how it must be, that's how it must be -- but I believe there must be a way to macro it together and key bind it. otherwise i want it to cast it on my focus. #showtooltip Blind /cast [@mouseover, help] [@focus, help] Blind This macro doesn't work at all. Mouseover focus target macro for enemy Guides UI and Macro Itstrippy-gehennas May 29, 2021, 6:37pm #1 Hi, I’m trying to find a mouseover macro for. Cast a spell on my focus target if a focus target is set 2. 2- if i have a mouseover on another enemy, it should use the spell or ability or the mouseover enemy example, i have rebuke, i can interrupt the current enemy if i have no mouseover, however if i choose to interrupt the caster next to it, i should be able to do so without macro failing and using the ability on the current target. If so, sorry about the redundancy :)Mouse Over macros. 4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria Posted on: 09-21-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 9042 timesOr cast on as normal at the target. Vigilance on your or your target’s target. Sweeping Strikes and Whirlwind for AOE. " Select your macro's icon from the list at the top of the macro window, and then click in the text area below. Macro for Wow: Repentance your focus or mouseover for Paladins. Thx! I'm afraid you cannot use conditionals on macros. Lo primero es explicar en qué consiste el afijo mouseover, esto se usa para ejecutar un hechizo sobre el objetivo que tengamos en nuestro mouse, esto puede ser tanto tarjeteando en el raidframe o tarjeteando al pj directamente. Hi in short I have macro for mouseover which works for one combination of spells on frames, on different spell combination it doesnt MACRO A #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover,nodead,help] Chain Heal; Flame Shock It works when I hover over the player , it works on party frame , healbot frame MACRO B #showtooltip /cast. Toggle two hand weapon and one hand weapon with shield. World of Warcraft. This screen is accessible via the Game Menu (Shortcut Esc) and then selecting Macros or by typing /macro and. Restoration Druid Macros Mouseover Healing MacrosNo. Debutant players are recommended to use at least three focus macros: /cast [target=focus] Blind. Concepto mouseover. basicaly what im looking for is a macro that will cast a spell to my focus target, if it exists, then if it does not cast at my mouse over, if it exists and then at my target, if it exists. /cast [target=focus] Sap. This macro must be mashed but it is much faster than pressing it manually. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5. Unfortunately I don't have the exact macro as I don't use it myself since I just. The other macro with Rejuvenation and. Pandaren Monk Join Date Jun 2009 Location some island Posts 1,851. I don't know it personally but it's a keybind I gather, something like interact with mouseover. If i change it to: #showtooltip BlindJust a suggestion but I prefer vuhdo myself and healbot is popular as well. . I found out that was because of the self cast feature (idk what blizzard has done because they’ve bricked 8 of my macros that worked since day 1) The problem now though is that when I try to focus shadowstep it shadowsteps my current target. #showtooltip /cast [help,. Post by 700955 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Here’s the list of abilities that are used by rogues on their focus ranked by order of significance. Macro for Wow: Mouseover, focus or target Shield Slam for Warriors. that's what I get for opening lots of tabs and addressing them in order. Then click the "New" button on the macro window. World of Warcraft Forums Focus Target, Mouseover or target. » World of Warcraft. And the last condition might create an issue as well since the “@player” condition targets the player itself (that means you). " Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. Stay alive longer – All warrior defensive cooldowns in one button. I'm trying to figure out how to make a macro like this; if mouseover exist cast on mouseover, if no mouseover cast on target, if I hold ctrl cast on focus. It will only go to my focus if I’m not targeting anything. Mouseover would take priority over an existing target: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help, exists] [help, exists] Regrowth; Wrath. This one requires you to target the person you are Rescuing. You could add an extra condition in order for the macro to cast Regrowth on your current target, as long as it is alive and friendly, otherwise, it would cast Wrath. If you want it to default to your. Type or copy/paste your macro into the text area. #showtooltip Rescue /tar /cast Rescue /targetlasttarget Rescue macro. Mouseover would take priority over an existing target: #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, help, exists] [help, exists] Regrowth; Wrath. Use a mouseover/focus macro. Choose between the General and Character-specific macro tabs. Here's a post that I refer to when setting up my own macros. After 6 years i just got back into wow and have a lil problem with one of my macro's. This Wow mouseover macro will set your focus to your Mouseover target Macro Tags: focus mouseover copy /focus [@mouseover, exists] Assist focus, target. /focus [@mouseover] ? One day dude, I'm just gonna get off the bus, and I'm gonna run in the woods and never come back, and when I come back I'm gonna be the. 2. Boards. When you are finished, click the "Save" button, and to close the window, click "Exit". Blizzard ForumsIt'll set focus to whatever your target is (obviously, as that is what you asked for), it'll clearfocus when your focus target is dead, or you can clearfocus by holding shift and pressing the macro (say you want to change your sheep target before it's dead). Macro for Wow: Mouseover, focus or target Shield Slam for Warriors. Post Reply. #showtooltip /cast Combustion /use 13 Double Time Warp macro for using both casts and a potion on the pull. 3. You can cast any spell or trinket just by mousing over the unitframe and you can also set up mouseover casts so for example, when you left click on a unit frame it casts a single target heal instead of actually targeting that unit, so you can keep the enemy as your target and don't have to. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5. Regular players with a bit more experience and mindset can also add shadowstep. /use [@mouseover, exists] spell to cast the spell on whatever your cursor is pointing at. 4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria. /cast [@mouseover,exists,harm] [modifier,@focus,harm,exists] [] Interrupt; If no mouseover over a target, and if a modifier (alt, ctrl, shift) is pressed, the interrupt is casted on the focus. the will force it. Mouseover + Focus cast macro. This fear macro will do the following: Set your focus on your mouseover target if you don't have a focus already OR if your current focus is friendly. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click "Okay. Right, but the point was to have the "leave flight form" and the "interact with mouseover" (the ore deposit) in one button. More than likely what was happening is that you were mousing over either a dead or friendly target, so the macro was still executing the mouseover part. Just rightclick. Focus macro. Then click the "New" button on the macro window. /cast [target=mouseover, exists] Cyclone; Cyclone. 4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria Posted on: 09-21-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 9068 timesIf you have a living, friendly mouseover, it will prioritize it and cast TotT on that, otherwise it should observe your default casting behavior. Posted on: 09-11-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 14914 times. Choose between the General and Character-specific macro tabs. To do so you add a 2nd target case. I've come up with this, #showtooltip Cyclone. Return to board index. Mouseover/focus macro? There a way to make a macro where it prioritizes mousover, then focus, then normal target? Reply With Quote. Macros have a screen dedicated to themselves. /focus mouseover /cast FearI also suggest setting up macros like /cast In any case, if you have trouble getting used to it, all you need is a /focusand a/cast macro. It will only go to my focus if I’m not targeting anything. Get name of the button your mouse is hovering over. /use Elemental Potion of Ultimate. World of Warcraft ForumsFocus/mouseover/regular target macro! - Warlock - Wowhead Forums Focus/mouseover/regular target macro! Post Reply Return to board index Post Reply. On top of this the mouseover no longer works. Post by Katalliaan /focus /clearfocus That will set your current target to your focus if you're not holding one of the three modifier keys (ctrl, alt, shift), and clear your focus if you are. If you don’t have a mouseover target, it won’t do anything, even if you have a target selected. Merely right clicking the mouse defeats the purpose. Just rightclick. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5. You can tweak it depending on what you really want, adding harm or exists conditionals. Yes, it's possible to set the gateway as your focus and then keybind to interact when you mouseover. I'm looking for an addon that sets my mouse-over target as my focus. On top of this the mouseover no longer works. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click on "Okay. Focus mouseover macro. Choose a Name and an Icon so you can easily recognize your macro, then click "Okay. Post Reply. Return to board index. Originally Posted by Spikeyshadow. Type or copy/paste your macro into the text area. No, it would target your last target. When you are finished, click the "Save" button, and to close the window, click "Exit". We use this for KJ mythic. Post by Googolplex I need a macro that: 1. Also if you want to permanently switch to the new target I believe you should be able to use /tar [@mouseover,target=noexists] after, so it will cast on the mouseover and then target it was well. Exactly the same minus the space between the conditional sets :). Set your focus on what you. 4 Macros para lanzar un hechizo dependiendo del target [/ul] [/b] 1. . ButterToast. 2. There's a complete list of conditionals that I find particularly helpful. Mouseover target macros for Wow are very powerful ways to cast spells at targets that your mouse is currently hovering over. You cannot have a "If <a> then <b> else <c>". #showtooltip Fel Flame /cast Fel Flame; Fel Flame; Fel Flame;Keep in mind that this macro must be mashed, since Combustion can be cast while casting but your trinkets and racial cannot. I found out that was because of the self cast feature (idk what blizzard has done because they’ve bricked 8 of my macros that worked since day 1) The problem now though is that when I try to focus shadowstep it shadowsteps my current target. EDIT: lol. Cast the spell normally (on my target) if a focus target is not set No matter what I try, whenever my focus is not set, all the macros I have tried starts failing. Macro Help: Mouseover Focus? Chrazid 11 years ago #1. Choose between the "General" and Character-specific macro tabs. Then click on the "New" button on the macro window. Focus Target, Mouseover or target Dispel / Purify marco help need. Shield Wall with one button. Restoration Druid Macros Mouseover Healing MacrosNo. If that's how it must be, that's how it must be -- but I believe there must be a way to macro it together and key bind it. They are great for more sedentary. therefore I would simplify the macro a little bit to make the debugging easier. I need to add a set focus to my mouseover sheep macro below, so after I sheep it sets a focus bar on that target so I can see how long is left on the sheep #showtooltip /cast [target=mouseover,exists,nohelp] Polymorph;…I'm looking for a macro that'll focus my current targe if I press it once and clearfocus if I press is again (or maybe with a modifier). Cogwheel's Guide to Macro Writing *edit* I'm betting this is the post you were talking about in your op. " Select your new macro and use the text editor below to tell it what to do. To open the in-game Macro interface, type "/macro" or "/m". Merely right clicking the mouse defeats the purpose. Combining mouseover and focus macro? Guides UI and Macro Quas-deathwing (Quas) January 20, 2019, 6:58pm #1 Hi all, I’m completely new to macros.