Swgoh proving grounds phoenix counter. Leaders are filtered separately. Swgoh proving grounds phoenix counter

 Leaders are filtered separatelySwgoh proving grounds phoenix counter  Padme lead, Ahsoka Tano, JKA, GK and C3P0 beat them all

SWGOH: TIE Interceptor SWGOH PROVING GROUNDS RNG HARD. sorry i never recorded it lmao but they were all the relic levels required for slkr and my slkr was r8 tho. That's No Moon (SWGOH) The Escape Pod cast The Playbook The Robot Wizard Thunder Wack Tilo Mad92. 450. If all allies were Sith at the start of battle: At the start of each encounter Darth Malgus. 2 stars. Check out Lothal Proving Grounds Roster and accomplishments on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. Use on CD, but not on priority over. 2031 posts Member. Calling everyone with the "Jedi Swarm" from Luke's leadership was also clutch. ago. Overview Proving Grounds is a 24 hour event that runs monthly immediately after Conquest and requires Relic 3+ characters. - healing immunity aoe will wreck this team, it looks to me like they rely heavily on healing. Light Side · Support · Rebel · Rogue One · Support. Seen 25555 Win %A wiki dedicated to the game Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes by EA and Capital GamesThere will be an additional day of Proving Grounds for Conquest Pass + holders; Mark VI Interceptor's shards are now farmable from Cantina 5-F. SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) GAC Navigation SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Counters; 5v5 Counters Season 40. Every PG seems harder than. 7. I don't see Proving Grounds as starting for two days. fan - Marvel Snap. Seen 42023 Win %We could get easy proving grounds that would require 1M GP and G12 team and reward 10 CAT shard, then could be 2M GP and R3 character Normal Proving Grounds that would give us 20 shards and at the end we could get Hard PG that would require 4M GP, R5 characters and would award 30 CAT shards. someone needs to do a counter for Capital Games as well. The rest of the group can be filled with tanks or other Sith. I currently have Phoenix at 7* g8-9 and I'm 47 shards shy of taking hera to 7*. Membership - Review signups only available on Discord – link in description. It’s clear CG wants the proving grounds requirements to mirror hard mode requirements, so keeping with that my idea would be instead of 4 mil GP, make it max crate on normal. PROVING GROUNDS. GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney or Lucasfilm LTD. . It is normally 999 crystals for 1 refresh of 10 shards. Yes swgoh customers do not trust CG. Interceptor was released after Boba. 5 2. 5v5 GAC. This ship replaces Veteran Smuggler Chewbacca, who moves to Cantina 5-E alongside Veteran Smuggler Han Solo; TIE Dagger's shards are now farmable from Light Side 9-D (Hard). . Viewing all regardless of occurrances. Phoenix squad is quite a popular team among new players and you will encounter lots of these squads in the arena. These values are doubled while she has Critical Hit Immunity. Check out Lothal Proving Grounds Roster and accomplishments on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. . 2200 crystals for another 20 shards is HORRIBLE and ever since Proving Grounds has come out it is still one of CG's worst ideas for players to work in Conquest characters they may have. Power 78288 · Speed 190 · Health 102,401 · Max Damage 28046. Posted by 22 days ago. Hello everyone! After a lot of work, I've put together a resource that I think should be of use to a lot of people! I've recorded every single Grand Arena match that I've played, and posted the videos on YouTube. Padme, AT, GK and GMY at Relic 5 and JKA at Relic 7. ultron-_ • 3 mo. First is palp lead with vader and tarkin, but my 230 speed guys can usually overtake them if vader dies fast, sabine's mass stagger leaves only vader able to fight back. 0. Toggle navigation. Seen 28511 Win %SWGOH GAC Counters - Season 30 (5v5) Based on 354,565 battles analyzed during GAC Season 30. zMaul, Boba, Nest and Sion are all individual characters that counter them pretty well, too. ago. Trying to make sense of all these datacrons! 5v5 Counter Testing. by Pegacorns Proving Grounds - List of (mostly) NON-GL teams that work!!!! (Updated!) Reposting this list before proving grounds starts back up. 122. UrzZz. Tilo Mad92. And you want speed on Ezra, since he’s the main damage dealer. . [deleted] • 2 yr. I also used the event ability a few times on JKL as he REALLY carries the whole fight (and it cycles through his abilities quicker). I've only seen two teams that can efficiently kill Phoenix teams at the high end (g12 with actual proper mods- most ppl don't even come close to modding them effectively). It still isn’t 100% and requires RNG to make sure SLKR doesn’t get killed before the droids. Rius 279 posts Member June 29, 2022 7:46PM edited June 2022 This team got it done on first attempt, I failed twice before that with Mace R3 instead of GAS. . Vote. 0. Kill order usually is Chewie > CLS (due to deathmark), Threepio > Han. The other two units die, those two live, and Jabba can't be targeted. ). . Viewing all regardless of occurrances. TheDude420. Viewing all regardless of occurrances. ago. Priority 3 – CLS Rebels. Accessibility StatementCompliance status. 00:19:11. A new game mode will be coming to Galaxy of Heroes that will allow players to earn up to 20 shards of CAT or the Razor Crest. You can try to mitigate the initial onslaught with a Barriss Offee in the lineup. 90 shards from red box + 20 from vendors + 20 from maxed out battle pass = 130. - 6 Stacks: This ability deals 25% more damage and inflicts Tenacity Down for 2 turns. Win %. A former Captain of the 501st Clone Battalion and veteran Support of countless conflicts. flux_rono. But she had to be available somewhere, so CG created this event, Proving Grounds, as a way to get conquest exclusive characters once they’ve gone through the 12 month cycle, so people who weren’t above 4 mil when their first. The combat puzzles utilize modifiers and feats to keep players looking for fresh new ways to complete the challenges. This Event is NUTS! EASY Darth Malgus Proving Grounds Guaranteed Win Strategy! - SWGOH. Leaders are filtered separately. . No, I don't have Traya and Malak. 85 57 % Barriss Offee Speed. 21. PROVING GROUNDS. Get Order 66 Was an Inside Job t-shirt @ the gift of Audible & support the channel @ the new changes t. Deal Special damage to target enemy and gain Critical Damage Up for 3 turns. There are three types of modifiers; Global, Player, and Enemy. Any AoE Dispel (especially unavoidable ones like Asajj or IPD) or AoE Daze are also really strong against them, especially if used just after Elders cleanse. . If you completed Proving Grounds Silver at 90, you will have to do it again at 100 for your role. Leaders are filtered separately. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. His Crippling Fear's silence will shutdown a spell caster Phoenix. The reality is that even at relic 4/5 with about 50% 6e mods (and with good speed), they are, at best, a tier 3 defense. The less popular one, but worked for me was JKL lead, JMK, regular. Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier. Proving Grounds is a goddamn joke Feedback / Suggestion A 24 hour event that consists of 2 battles that you can refresh (maximum twice) for the low, low cost of 2200 crystals each? What the hell took them a year to make? 360Upvotes permalink reddit 90% Upvoted Confidence Top New Controversial Old → 138 r7 Vader, Palp, r8 Piett, r5 Malak, Starkiller: I lost in two rounds. I'm glad he's in Proving Grounds now, but man does Proving Grounds SUCK. Viewing all regardless of occurrances. 85 57 % Barriss Offee Speed. There will be an additional day of Proving Grounds for Conquest Pass + holders; Mark VI Interceptor's shards are now farmable from Cantina 5-F. - his basic inflicts daze (the bane of Phoenix squad) and since they are all rebels he hits twice. JMK can beat the notoriously difficult Tie Interceptor battle, and without losing a single unit (RNG heavy, but worth it for the sim in my opinion)There are. Most difficult was Razor Crests event that required more specific strategy. Once first ultimate ends you should be ready for next. Commander Ashoka Tano will be heading to a new mode called “Proving Grounds. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 - 5v5; Season 39 - 3v3; Win % Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen You can click units to filter squads by that unit. 50752 views 2 days ago. Snap. • 5 days ago. Displayed time is based on your local machine's clock. In general: Kill DR ASAP so you can use JKL AoE stun. Update I was able to 1-star with JMK, just have to put immunity on GK instead of CAT. Weird. Datacrons Data Disks Galactic Challenges Gear Raids Scavenger Relics Shard Shipments Events Quests Light Side Battles Dark Side Battles Squad Cantina Battles Fleet Battles Mod Battles. 9 posts Member. I can do CAT and BSOJ pretty easily but. . Leaders are filtered separately. God almighty help us if the Darth Malgus proving grounds is more difficult than the Interceptor one. So yea, Proving grounds is kinda buttcheeks, but at least this round, it looks like there are some ways to get through it. 16:59 JST, August 27, 2022. Road Ahead - July 2023. Proving Grounds 1 BlazingStorm8895 - 179,403 Power; 7 6. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. I use Wedge, Biggs, Leia, R2, and you can add pretty much anyone else. Force Leap on Raid Bosses: Call all other Galactic Republic allies to assist, dealing 10% more damage. 2031. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 - 5v5; Season 39 - 3v3; Win % Sort By; Win% Avg Banners Seen You can click units to filter squads by that unit. Get rid of the modifiers on Proving Grounds. Each tier includes unique modifiers and rewards 20 shards/blueprints for. gg - Lord of the Rings Heroes;I make tie with sklr, few tries mostly, if slkr can make to full ultimate charge it is win. Victory counts are 1 per. SWGOH GAC Counters - Season 21 (5v5) 397,053 battles analyzed during GAC Season 21. In order to counter them, you will need to create a squad that has a lot of crowd control abilities and great single target damage. SWGOH. Phoenix squad is quite a popular team among new players and you will encounter lots of these squads in the arena. Proving Ground Best Teams. 0. 17:00 JST, August 20, 2022. Then Padme will come back for her second turn with 25+ Stacks, ready to kill off a second. Or Enfys. The fight against Phoenix was pretty easy, just take out Sabine and Chopper first, then Zeb and Ezra, and Kanan and Hera last. Ship CountersProving Grounds is a 24 hour event that runs monthly immediately after Conquest. Furthermore, the lack of aoe feels crippling. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 - 5v5;Proving Grounds come in Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Endless difficulties. Let the debuffs kill these pesky bounty hunters. In Endless mode, you simply go on until you fail the challenge. Join. Enjoy. Check out Lothal Proving Grounds Roster and accomplishments on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Tie interceptor. Holotable Heroes, thank you for bringing to our attention an issue with the TIE Interceptor Proving Grounds battle allowing you to run it when you have 330 Shards already. This page only contains information unique to this iteration of Proving Grounds. Optimal squad to develop if you're still looking to beat both tiers of the Proving Grounds event, Give my perspective on the gating of proving grounds and wh. Last updated: GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 - 5v5;. COMING SOON Last: 2022-11-14 Pieces & Plans Mythic. I can do it (after many attempts) with Jabba lead, Krrsantan, Beskar Mando, and two others (Wat and Hondo, but they didn't contribute much). Snap. I managed to 3* both the CAT fight and the Maul fight with the same team. 1 Understand Buffs And De-buffs. afplatypus • 20 days ago. to kill Sabine and Ezra early, but like. - 00:59, August 27th, 2022. While Darth Malgus is Taunting, he has +60% counter chance, +20% Defense, and -20% Tenacity. Victory counts are 1 per tier with maximum 3 rewards per tier after refreshes. Time is your enemy, so be quick or let the computer do it for you. . 1. Seen. Lothal Proving Grounds Omicrons; Hera Syndulla Rise Together 9 Omicrons Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand The. Each active Phoenix ally grants their Unique ability to other Phoenix allies. Join. You need to use synergy teams. I ended up using Thrawn, Mara, Palpatine, Piett, and Royal Guard and got 3 stars on the 6th attempt. Not only can these characters beat almost anything on Attack in Grand Arena, but Han and Chewie pilot the most dominant ship in the game (for now) and need to be in tip-top shape for Han’s Millennium Falcon to operate at a high level. Upcoming Conquest Data Disks and Feats. There you will be able to collect different characters of this universe and form squads with them. Join. This is a minute or 2 in after they’d blasted Sion - definitely not destroying themselves. Proving grounds is right after the conquest event ends. GG. Too bad apparently they ignored that it's stupidly overtuned. Viewing all regardless of occurrances. That in itself wouldn't be of much use. Based on 31,700 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. 0. The above link is to a Google. Refreshing a tier refreshes only that tier.